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About Next3D

2nd place at Saxon Start-up Award

On June 19, 2024, the startup next3D was awarded 2nd place in the Saxon Start-up Award at the Saxon Innovation Conference in Dresden. Next3D emerged from Leipzig University and the Fraunhofer IWU. With the Exist funding program, the transfer from science to clinical routine was demonstrated.

see the pitch-video

Presentation of the navigation solution at Apple Development Center

Our surgical navigation development for the Vision Pro convinced Apple. A personal tour of the Apple Spaceship and a joint lunch meeting were important to the Director of the Marketing Division “Health - Care” in order to develop concepts for a cooperation. We are excited and look forward to the next steps.

Next3D in MDR TV-Show

Prof. Winkler presented the possibilities of 3D printing with practical application examples in the MDR health magazine "Hauptsache Gesund".

Contribution in the ARD media library 


Next3D's Leipzig Emergency Ventilation System during the Corona Pandemic

Rapid support for emergency care of Covid19 patients by a 3D-printed emergency ventilator developed by the Uni Klinik Leipzig and Fraunhofer IWU, whose testing and modification was supported by WHZ. This development took only 7 days. If there are not enough high-tech ventilators available, this should be available to medical professionals as a last option. It is not a certified medical device, but is intended to serve as a last option. However, the Next3D working group at Leipzig University Hospital is certified to the ISO13485 medical technology standard and is generally allowed to manufacture and market patient-specific 3D-printed instruments and models, which are considered custom-made products under the Medical Devices Act. The system is supported medically by Prof. Dirk Winkler (Deputy Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurosurgery at Leipzig University Hospital), who can also draw on many years of experience as an emergency physician. Partners: University of Leipzig, Leipzig University Hospital, West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU.

to the YOUTUBE-Video

3D printed caps for sterilization bottles during Corona pandemic

Throughout Germany, sterilizing agent became scarce, but is essential to prevent further spread of the novel corona virus. The pharmacy at Leipzig University Hospital therefore began producing its own sterilizing agent and collected the sterilizing bottles already in use at the hospital for refilling. Since these bottles were without caps due to their use in hand dispensers, the objective was to design and manufacture 3D-printed caps within 24 hours.

In the first step, an original closure cap was scanned with a computer tomograph in the radiology department. The resulting virtual model served as a template to be optimized using computer-aided design (CAD) software. A 3D printer was then used to produce the caps from a biocompatible and steam-sterilizable plastic. Before use, the caps were additionally cleaned and steam-sterilized in the central sterilization department of Leipzig University Hospital.

July 24, 2019, Presentation of the Leipzig DBS unit in New York to leading medical technology companies.



Patients are subject to great variance in terms of anatomical conditions, mobility and stress, so that standardized treatment concepts are often only a compromise solution.

The goal of Next3D is to make a decisive contribution to the widespread adoption of personalized medicine using augmented reality navigation systems and patient-specific 3D-printed instruments and implants.

The aim is to enable patients to benefit from the latest augmented reality systems and improved therapies, for example for Parkinson's disease, as well as novel tumor therapies.  The placement of electrodes for deep brain stimulation but also the placement of light-activated substances for tumor therapy is to be carried out with the help of patient-specific 3D-printed stereotactic systems.

The system can also be used for biopsies for the gentle removal of brain tissue for its further diagnostic assessment.

Furthermore, vascular models are produced with the 3D printer, which are used as templates for marking vascular branches on vascular prostheses.

Patient-specific models for planning complex operations can also be created with the 3D printer.

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